In all creation, I wouldn't expect to be back here again, writing another post. I mean the last time I was here, it was Chinese New Year and life was simpler, so to say. A sigh could very well represent everything that has happened in the past 5 months. Friendships rotated, while some may have remained the same. Workload most certainly has increased. Experiences teaching a thing or two about living. Someone new to cause infatuations and joyful feeling in the heart. A luggage full of complications (what's new?). LIFE suddenly looks promising in a strange new way. Again. What's new?
I do not wish to dwell on these things in detail. I would rather you come to me and communicate like a normal person would.
If there's anything bothering me right now, it is definitely the fact that there is too many things to do. There is probably a million and one things that I want to do but nevertheless, the things that I need to do like get an education is being a big enough weight, pulling me further and further. Some time for my camera sounds like a wish come true.. Where are those damn planes? *Sigh* Being able to write good songs now and then sounds like a plan. Even a good period of time and budget for a short film or two would be 'Hallejulah!'
But then again, I'm still learning the trades of all these things. I would never dare call myself a professional in any of those things. Simply put, I'm just trying my best to be very good at what I like to do. Like my dad constantly grinding me, "It's always important to be very good at something" It appears that I'm never satisfied. Gosh.. if only i've started liking these sort of things much much earlier.. I would not have to be struggling my socks off like how I am now.
Hmm.. as of now, I'm back on track with my education, it's time to pull off great feats of *something that sounds awesome* There are plans but I need help planning it and executing it *sounds like a business plan* But then again, I might know a few awesome people to help me pull off my awesome plans... Heck, you know what they say about plans... It never turns out the way you want it to.. It'll be interesting to see what comes out.
Till next time, more ranting and evidence of my ill-managed life.